

as a T1D x 4 family

100% of our family is powered by insulin and juice boxes. I was diagnosed with T1D as an 8 year old in Pakistan while my husband was diagnosed at around the same age growing up in Pennsylvania. The two of us met through our matching insulin pumps while I was serving in the Peace Corps in the Eastern Caribbean. Our older daughter was diagnosed when she was 10 months old and our younger daughter was diagnosed when she was 3 years old. We also have a Diabetic Alert Dog named Sherlock because we needed something cute and fluffy to point to on our really hard diabetes days.


About the author

Saira has always been a storyteller, chronicling her work in the humanitarian and non-profit sector. While serving in the US Peace Corps, she met her husband through their matching insulin pumps. They have two daughters; their eldest was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 10 months old and their youngest when she was 3 years old. Saira loves spending her time exploring bookstores and coffee shops around the world with her family.